Mark's updates

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Moving progress

We’re all moved in and mostly unpacked. We have begun to get organized, but haven’t hung anything on the walls yet.

I’m working from home this week and will be gone all next week, including our 7th anniversary, except for Friday. LaDonna’s mom is coming to stay with her, us the time I’m home, from the 20th to the 26th. I leave on the 25th again and come home on the 27th. I’ll have to see what progress we can make on the house between now and Monday. I’m sure LaDonna and her mom will get some things done while I’m gone, but I’d like to be here to help on some of them.

We went to church Sunday and found out that there are 6 other active families at church that live in our subdivision and I’d guess there are about 200 houses in the subdivision. It’s not Utah but we had 250 in our last community and only one other member couple lived near us. One of the families we met that lives one street over has a 3 year old girl and a 10 month old son and the parents were both nice.

We also met Kimberly Harris’ sister-in-law’s brother and sister-in-law. They live less than a mile from us and seemed very nice. They also have two sons, one that is older than Bryce by about 5-6 months and a new born.

Overall, we’re adjusting, it’s hard not knowing where the closest stores are without having to go to the internet and then once you get in the stores we don’t know exactly where everything is, but we’ll get there.


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